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Getting Started with the

Meal Prep Master Course

Note: If at any point you have a question that isn’t answered or find something that isn’t working for you in the site, email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you ASAP!

How The Meal Prep Master Course Is Structured

First, and foremost, the course is designed so you could get started right away… take a look at the left side Navigation Bar to see what the main categories are. If there is something specific you’re really looking to accomplish, the navigation bar can help you get there quickly.

The Main Categories are:

  • Time Management
  • Kitchen Prep and Tools
  • Macronutrients and Why they matter
  • Finding Easy Recipes
  • Meal Prepping A-to-Z
  • Bonus Materials

You’ll notice that the first page in each section is an overview. Make sure you read each overview completely.

Second, is there is a series of emails and assignments that will be rolled out each week, for 12 weeks, so you can start building healthy habits over time that are sustainable.

We’re so excited to have you on board!

Seriously, this is the time to make an impact.

We’re excited for you, the other people in your life, and for each of the other students enrolled in the course. When another member joins, the whole group grows stronger!

Need some help? Get in touch with us!